Usual Spring landscaping/cleaning. Looks like rain for a few days starting Tuesday???
More MOA EotDs coming up...:)
CANI-Constant and Never-ending Improvement- Anthony Robbins...:) popped into my head for some reason. A flashback from my motivational speaker days of network marketing...:) Hmm. lets see...Shackley, AMWAY, Quorum, Insinc, Quickstar, BSA, etc., etc., etc...XYZ your friends, family and any willing soul, "I have an opportunity you have to check out! Let me take you to a meeting, I mean an intervention, I mean an exorcism, uh, I mean coffee. Yah, coffee."...:)
CANA-Constant and Never-ending Animation- Dude Jaway...:) Always a work in progress.
(not to be confused with KONA gold) but hey, consciousness is shifting a bit, so maybe we'll see CANI CANA KONA in our lifetimes...:)
Check out the Moments of Awareness fundraiser going on. Any and all support is greatly appreciated!
Happy Easter!
Have an awesome day!
ps. Happy 4/20!